Welcome, We are here to serve!
Bible Text of the Day

Ruth 1:16 NKJV

16 "But Ruth said: "Entreat me not to leave you, Or to turn back from following after you; For wherever you go, I will go; And wherever you lodge, I will lodge; Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God."

Program Outline

Sabbath School

9:45 a.m.

THEME: Hearing the Song

Lesson Study: Motivated by Hope

Superintendent: Sister Thelma Fenton

  1. Welcome -------------------------------------- Elder Thelma Fenton
  2. Opening Prayer ----------------------------------------- Sister Forbes
  3. Opening Song -------- # 202 -------- Hail Him the King of Glory
  4. Scripture Reading ---- 2 Thess. 3:3-7 ---- Elder Thelma Fenton
  5. Opening Remarks --------------------------- Sister Cisline Watson
  6. Lesson Review --------------------------- Sister Vernessa Dobson?
  7. Closing Remarks ----------------------------- Sister Cisline Watson
  8. Closing Song ---------- # ? --------
  9. Closing Prayer --------------------------------------- Brother Barkley

Divine Service

11:00 a.m.

(Live YouTube Link)


  1. Welcome & Prayer --------------------------- Elder Thelma Fenton
  2. Praise & Worship -------------------------
  3. Pastoral Corner & Announcements ----- Elder Thelma Fenton
  4. Opening Hymn ----------------- # 456 --------------- My Lord and I
  5. Call To Prayer -------- # 671 ------- Now, Dear Lord, As We Pray
  6. Intercessory Prayer --------------------
  7. Prayer Response -------- # 684 ------- Hear Our Prayer, O Lord
  8. Children’s Corner ---------------------------- Sister Shynell Wilson
  9. Scripture Reading ---- Matt. 28:19, 20 --- Sister Shynell Wilson
  10. Offering -- "Local Church Budget" -- Sister Shauna-Kay Smith
  11. Song of Meditation ---------------------------------------------- Video
  12. Sermon ------------ Watch Out ---------- Brother Robbert Koffler
  13. Closing Hymn -------------- # 184 ----------------- Jesus Paid It All
  14. Benediction ------------------------------- Brother Robbert Koffler
  15. Postlude --------------------------------- Let the Church Say Amen